Here's a funtime summer read written by Snarly Sally to share with your little ones!
A-nnie wanted to make vegetable alphabet soup
B-ut Mother was out of vegetables so Annie went to the garden.
C-arrots were pulled.
D-andelions were stepped on.
E-ggplant was picked.
F-armer Jones brought his hoe.
G-iant potato plants were dug up.
H-anging on the vines were lots of potatoes.
I-nto Annie's bag they went.
J-ust then it started to rain.
K-ittens scurried for cover.
L-ucky for Annie she'd brought her raincoat.
M-other hollered for Annie to hurry before it stormed!
N-ext the wind started to howl.
O-nions were grabbed.
P-eas still asleep in their pods were grabbed too.
Q-uickly Annie plucked green beans and radishes.
R-eturning home, Mother cleaned the vegetables & cooked macaroni shaped like letters.
S-lowly she added them to the boiling water on the stove.
T-hen they waited.
U-tensils were used to scoop the soup into bowls.
V-ery soon Annie was eating her vegetable alphabet soup.
"W-ow this is good!" declared Annie.
"X-cellent," laughed Mother.
Z-ip! The vegetable alphabet soup soon disappered!
More Poems from Snarly Sally coming Soon!